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4-in-1 Skystars Kramam 45A mini 3-6S LiPo BLHeli_32 speed controller

Price:2 093 uahPrice in USD:49.99


The 4 in 1 Skystars Kramam 45A mini speed controller is based on BLHeli_32 firmware with Dshot 600/1200 protocols, has 20x20mm mounting holes for mini assemblies, and supports telemetry functions (including voltage, speed and current).

For stable operation at peak current and with 6S LiPo batteries, the board uses large 5 x 6mm MOSFET transistors.

Also, excellent overcurrent stability is ensured thanks to a modern manufacturing process and the use of the best PCB materials. For example, the application of high TG materials, a 3 oz copper PCB and a 2 µm gold deposition process. Together with the hollow CNC aluminum alloy radiator, the ESC has excellent heat dissipation, which contributes to stable operation at high currents. The heatsink not only dissipates heat well, but also has a beautiful unique design.




Регулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкостРегулятор скорости 4 в 1 skystars kramam 45a mini 3-6s lipo blheli_32 esc швидкост

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