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SBUS inverter Naze32 Cleanflight and Betaflight

Price:118 uahPrice in USD:2.80
SKU 10700


The module converts inverted SBUS to normal SBUS for connection to standard UART output without hardwire conversion, e.g. for connecting FrSky SBUS receiver to Naze32 and other controllers that do not have support for inverted SBus.



Sbus-PPM инвертер Naze32 Cleanflight и BetaflightSbus-PPM инвертер Naze32 Cleanflight и Betaflight

Reviews and discussions

  • Serhii Havrys6 Июн 2017, 22:36
    По моему это инвертор S-BUS а не конвертер в PPM :)

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