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RushFPV 3.3GHz VRX 16-channel video receiver for Skyzone glasses

Price:3 976 uah with VATPrice in USD:95.00


The RushFPV 3.3GHz VRX video receiver supports 16 channels in the frequency range from 3170 to 3470MHz, allowing you to choose the optimal channel for data transmission. The aluminum housing provides durability and compatibility with various models of video glasses for easy installation. A digital indicator on the body informs about the current operating status, which simplifies setup. The device works with CVBS PAL and NTSC formats and can withstand temperatures from -10°C to 60°C. High signal sensitivity ensures stable operation even at low power levels. It fits most popular goggles, such as Skyzone and Cobra helmets.



Frequency table of channels:

Band A CH1:3330 CH2:3350 CH3:3370 CH4:3390 CH5:3410 CH6:3430 CH7:3450 CH8:3470
Band B CH1:3170 CH2:3190 CH3:3210 CH4:3230 CH5:3250 CH6:3270 CH7:3290 CH8:3310

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Відеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналівВідеоприймач RushFPV 3 3GHz VRX 16 каналів

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