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BrotherHobby Returner R5 2306 2450KV Deadpool Edition motors

Price:1 050 uahPrice in USD:24.99
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TheReturner R5 2306 2450KV Deadpool Edition is BrotherHobby's newest offering.

The Returner R5 is designed specifically to compete with other 2306 motors on the market such as the EMAX RS2306 and T-Motor 2306.

The Returner R5 2306 Deadpool Edition 2306 motors are complete with Japanese magnets, a 5mm titanium hollow shaft and high quality EZO bearings that reduce weight while providing higher speeds. The naked bottom housing design is created specifically to save weight and increase efficiency. As a separate point, the manufacturer notes the durability of the motors as the thickness of the base has been increased to 3mm.

The motors offer excellent torque and high speed, making them ideal for both freestyle and racing quadcopters.



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