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Readytosky Lipo Suction 3-6S LiPo Battery Discharger for Storage

Price:168 uahPrice in USD:3.99


Readytosky Lipo Suction discharger for 3-6S LiPo batteries, which is used to put the batteries into Storage mode for long term storage.

Note: since the discharger uses heat resistance to dissipate excess power, so there is a resistor "221" on the unit which gets very hot. Do not touch it with your hands to avoid burns.


Instructions for use

On the discharger there is a button and LED, which is used to select the number of cells of the battery to be connected. Pressing the button once switches the color of the LED, which means:

The LED stays lit until the battery has completed the transfer to storage mode.


Разрядник lipo аккумуляторов readytosky lipo suction 3-6s для хранения lithium battery discharger storageРазрядник lipo аккумуляторов readytosky lipo suction 3-6s для хранения lithium battery discharger storageРазрядник lipo аккумуляторов readytosky lipo suction 3-6s для хранения lithium battery discharger storageРазрядник lipo аккумуляторов readytosky lipo suction 3-6s для хранения lithium battery discharger storageРазрядник lipo аккумуляторов readytosky lipo suction 3-6s для хранения lithium battery discharger storage

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