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GEP-ZX5 racing quadcopter on a frame ready to fly

Price:8 613 uahPrice in USD:205.8294.00
SKU 11801
Archival goods

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Ready-to-fly quadrocopter of FlyMod brand assembly, assembled on a quality X-shaped frame GEP-ZX5, with strong beams 4mm thick and frame size on the axes 190mm. The tower design allows the action camera to be mounted on the frame without any additional attachments with a maximum allowable angle of 60 degrees. Powerful RCINPOWER racing motors with 22x05 size and high revolutions of 2300KV are capable of producing more than a kilogram of thrust with three-blade propellers. The motors are stylishly designed in purple with a 4mm hollow steel shaft. The purple DYS 5040 3-blade propellers perfectly complement the color scheme of the assembled quadcopter. Power distribution board Matek HUBOSD8 Eco H-Type with current sensor for 140 Amps and c built-in OSD designed by engineers specifically for maximum loads and reliability. It has 2 quality runs - 5 volt with linear regulator and 12 volt, not requiring LC-filter for FPV video system. Flight controller Flip32 F4 Acro with a powerful STM32 chip operates at high processing speed at 168MHz, supports all modern firmware Cleanflight, Betaflight.

The weight of the assembled quadrocopter without battery is 330 grams. Upon receipt you only need to screw on the antenna and install the propellers that come with the kit.

Note: To start you will additionally need a battery, radio control receiver, as well as radio control equipment, which must be configured for proper operation of the system.



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Tags: flymod

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