RCINPOWER 's SmooX series of coil-less motors with a unique stator size 2306.5. Brand new bell design: round shape, smooth streamlined surface, high quality machining.
Stator diameter: 23 mm
Stator length: 6.5 mm
RPM per volt:
Configuration: 12N14P
Voltage: 4-6S LiPo
Color: blue, orange, titanium gray
Thread: CW (conventional)
Shaft diameter: 4mm (hollow).
Idle current (10V): 1.35А
Max power (5sec): 900W
Internal resistance: 49 mOhm
Max. current (5 sec): 36А
Motor size: 29 x 30.5mm
Weight: 33g (with cable)
1 x RCINPOWER SmooX 2306 Plus motor
1 x M5 nut
1 x bolt set
Attention! При встановленні на занадто довгі болти можуть пошкодити обмотку двигуна, що виведе його з ладу.
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