RCINPower GTS1204 V2 5000KV RCINPower's GTS1204 V2 5000KV collectorless motors are some of the brightest and highest performing motors on the market, making your micro drone fly fast and look amazing.
RPM per Volt: 5000KV
Input Voltage: 3-4S Lipo
Configuration: 9N12P
Stator Diameter: 12mm
Stator length: 4mm
Shaft diameter: 1.5mm
No-load current: 0.95A at 10V
Max. continuous power: 89W (3S)
Internal resistance: 125mOhm
Max. current: 6A (3S)
Max. effective current: 1.5-2A (over 80%)
Cable length: 80mm
Size: 16 x 12mm
Weight: 6g
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