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Motors Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing Edition

Price:378 uahPrice in USD:8.89
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Racerstar BR2205S is an updated version of the 2600KV motors for those who need more thrust at high rpm, now with a strong hollow shaft and 950 grams of thrust. Good for multicopters from 180mm and up, for 4 or 5 inch propellers.

The reverse threaded motor (black nut) is labeled CCW, and the plain threaded motor (red nut) is labeled CW threaded.



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Моторы Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing EditionМоторы Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing EditionМоторы Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing EditionМоторы Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing Edition статорМоторы Racerstar BR2205S 2600KV Racing Edition

Tags: racerstar

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