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Racerstar BR2205S PRO 1722KV Fire Edition motors

Price:419 uahPrice in USD:9.99
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Continuation of Racerstar's BR2205S PRO line of motors, now with low RPM 1722KV for 6S quadcopter builds.

All motors are supplied with CW (conventional) threads.



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Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205Моторы racerstar br2205s pro 1722kv fire edition brushless motor 4-6s 2205

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