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Racerstar BR1806 2280KV Racing Edition motors

Price:334 uahPrice in USD:7.98


Racerstar's BR1806 2280KV Racing Edition motors for racing quadcopters with frame size 150-200mm.

All motors have the usual CW threads with red cone nut.



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Моторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV RacingМоторы Racerstar Racing Edition 1806 BR1806 2280KV 1-3S Brushless Motor CW CCW For 250 260 for RC Drone FPV Racing

Tags: motor

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