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HQProp QSL ShenProp Duct-85mm 3530 6 blade propellers. 2 pairs CW/CCW

Price:126 uahPrice in USD:2.99
Brand: HQPropSKU 16208


HQProp Quad Standard Labs ShenProp Duct-85mm propellers were designed by FPV pilot Andy Shen and are suitable for mounting with 3.5" and 4" propeller protection dacts, such as on Shen Drones Geyser, Terraplane, iFlight Protek35 frames.




Пропеллеры hqprop qsl shenprop duct-85mmx6 3530 6 лопастей  2 пары cw ccwПропеллеры hqprop qsl shenprop duct-85mmx6 3530 6 лопастей  2 пары cw ccwПропеллеры hqprop qsl shenprop duct-85mmx6 3530 6 лопастей  2 пары cw ccw

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