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Gemfan Sinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 propellers for 3 blades. 1CW/1СCW pair

Price:775 uah with VATPrice in USD:18.50
Brand: GemfanSKU 18020
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TheGemfan Sinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 3-bladepropellers are high-quality components for FPV drones designed to maximize flight efficiency and stability in the air. With a 15-inch diameter and 7-inch pitch, the propellers provide powerful thrust and stability. The maximum blade width of 34mm contributes to improved aerodynamics, reducing air resistance and increasing drone efficiency.

The kit consists of two propellers 1CW+1CCW!



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Пропелери Gemfan Сinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 на 3 лопаті CW CСWПропелери Gemfan Сinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 на 3 лопаті CW CСWПропелери Gemfan Сinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 на 3 лопаті CW CСWПропелери Gemfan Сinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 1507 на 3 лопаті CW CСW

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