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Fabric gate 120 x 80cm for FPV racing. 2pcs

Price:1 674 uahPrice in USD:39.99
SKU 11486


Portable gate for FPV racing, the main feature of which is the absolute ease of installation, as it unfolds and folds literally with a single movement of the hand. Supplied in a convenient case with a handle. The gate is two-sided, the sides have different colors. In the set together with the gate are hooks for fastening to the ground, although without them the gate has good stability.

The set includes a pair (2pcs) of gates at once. Two gates are placed in one case.

Note: The gate is originally positioned as a training gate for soccer, but has gained popularity among western FPV racers as a great solution for quick setup of a race track. The gate must be modified by cutting off the netting before use.



Тканевые ворота 120 х 80см для FPV гонок  ПараТканевые ворота 120 х 80см для FPV гонокТканевые ворота 120 х 80см для FPV гонокТканевые ворота 120 х 80см для FPV гонок

Reviews and discussions

  • jim17 Май 2017, 15:58
    Эммм а как это использовать? сетка тут.. или что это? а если вырезать не разложатся на 180 градусов?
  • flewerty17 Май 2017, 17:56
    jim, В описании есть) Сетку отрезать нужно, ворота не теряют форму - протестировано.
  • vark27 Июл 2017, 15:56
    + Ткань реально крепкая;
    + быстро ставить;
    - колышки плохо держат;
    - много места в сложенном состоянии.

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