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AKK Nano Race 25/200/400mW 5.8G video transmitter for 37 channels

Price:628 uahPrice in USD:14.99
Brand: AKKSKU 15423
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The tiny AKK Nano Race video transmitter measures only 14mm by 14mm and weighs 1.5 grams. VTX has a stable output power up to 400mW and allows you to use the space inside mini and micro quadcopters advantageously.

AKK Nano Race supports Pit Mode, OSD customization via Smart Audio and Betaflight.



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Видео передатчик Nano Race 25 200 400mW 5 8G на 37 каналов vtxВидео передатчик Nano Race 25 200 400mW 5 8G на 37 каналов vtxВидео передатчик Nano Race 25 200 400mW 5 8G на 37 каналов vtxВидео передатчик nano race 25 200 400mw 5 8g на 37 каналов vtxВидео передатчик nano race 25 200 400mw 5 8g на 37 каналов vtx

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