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Motors EMAX RS2205 2300KV Racing Edition (original)

Price:684 uahPrice in USD:16.08
Brand: EMAXSKU 10439
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The latest innovation from EMAX, the RS2205 motors for high power builds and FPV racing are capable of producing 1000+ grams of thrust when using a 4s battery with 5045BN propellers. Quality Japanese bearings paired with a specially designed Cooling Series cooling system contributes to excellent motor performance, durability and endurance under extreme loads. Fear the Cobra, EMAX has risen to the challenge.

EMAX's motor labeling indicates CW and CCW not the direction of threading but the direction of propeller rotation, i.e. CW (black nut) motors with normal direction of rotation but reverse CCW threads, and CCW (gray nut) motors with normal direction of rotation have normal threads.

Please note: The supplied bolts come with a minimum length of 6.5mm, which can be a lot even when installed on a 3mm beam, as there is a chance of damaging the motor winding. Use washers or shorter bolts, it will also fit with the motor guard as a spacer.




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Моторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling SeriesМоторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling Series  вид снизуМоторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling Series  вид сверхуМоторы EMAX RS2205 2300KV Racing Edition фото фон флаймодМоторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling Series  таблица замеров тяги  тяга в 1 кгМоторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling Series  чертежи и схема мотораМоторы EMAX RS2205 RaceSpec Cooling Series  комплектация с шестигранником гайка и болты для моторов

Tags: emax

Reviews and discussions

  • Valera Yurchenko8 Июл 2017, 14:56
    А чем отличаются Racing Edition от не Racing Edition?

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