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Mini Black Mushroom 5.8GHz FPV Clover Antenna in a case

Price:186 uahPrice in USD:4.377.95
SKU 10576
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Inexpensive mini antenna with short legs for FPV video broadcasting at 5.8GHz, in Black Mushroom housing.

It comes with one universal antenna, which is suitable for both receiving and transmitting.

Note: the antenna should be screwed at the base of the connector, in no case the antenna body! Otherwise you can damage the internal wiring.

Mini Black Mushroom antennas are more suitable for receiving signals, as they can be easily damaged on a flying vehicle due to the insufficiently strong legs.



Антенна Mini Black Mushroom для FPV 5 8Ггц клеверная в корпусеАнтенна Mini Black Mushroom для FPV 5 8Ггц клеверная в корпусе

Reviews and discussions

  • armor8 Июн 2017, 10:05
    Поставил на EV800 на много удобнее сосиски...

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