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Vector network and antenna analyzer LibreVNA USB 100kHz 6GHz

Price:26 575 uahPrice in USD:635.00
SKU 17692


LibreVNA is a USB vector network analyzer with two ports and is open source. The device serves as an RF interface with some computing power, while the main processing is performed by software on a PC. LibreVNA is capable of performing 10,000 dual-port point measurements per second and has an effective dynamic range of 100dB. The analyzer board is equipped with three ADCs and an FPGA for signal processing.

With two measurement ports, the analyzer can measure the full set of reflection and transmission coefficients (S11/S12/S21/S22). Although the LibreVNA hardware is designed as a vector network analyzer, its architecture is so similar to that of a spectrum analyzer that it can also perform basic dual-channel spectrum measurements.




Since the LibreVNA analyzer is open source, there are some design limitations:

With this LibreVNA, the use of more accurate calibrators ensures higher measurement accuracy.

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Векторний аналізатор мереж LibreVNA USB 100kHz 6GHzВекторний аналізатор мереж LibreVNA USB 100kHz 6GHzВекторний аналізатор мереж LibreVNA USB 100kHz 6GHzВекторний аналізатор мереж LibreVNA USB 100kHz 6GHz

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