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FPV Quadcopter Assembly Kit ZMR250, DYS 1806, SN16A, Naze32

Price:5 999 uahPrice in USD:143.34150.88
SKU 10155
Archival goods

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A complete kit for assembling a 250 class quadcopter on the ZMR250 frame. The kit has everything for self-assembly of the quadcopter for fast FPV flights.

The kit includes

1 x ZMR250 Carbon. Frame for quadcopter and FPV flights
4 x Dys BE1806 2300KV motors for mini copters. Black
4 x DYS SN16A Mini 16A SimonK OPTO ESC Speed Controller
2 x Propellers 5030 CW/CCW Nylon. Pair. For 250 quadcopter
1 x Naze32 Flight Controller. 6 DOF rev5. CleanFlight
1 x Power wiring board. Mini. ZMR250 QAV
1 x 14awg silicone cable. Pair. 20cm
1 x Mini 2A DC-DC step-down voltage regulator
1 x XT60 Connectors. Pair
1 x Velcro for LiPo battery.

You may also need radio equipment with receiver, battery and FPV equipment.

Video of flying a 250 class quadcopter

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