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Keeppower IMR18650 2500 mAh 30A battery without protection

Price:236 uahPrice in USD:5.60


Keeppower IMR18650 2500 mAh 30A high current batteries. Made using lithium-ion technology, characterized by high discharge current, up to 20A, peak 30A (30sec). This battery has no electronic protection against overcharge and deep discharge. Suitable for most portable and wireless devices with high current load.


Warning: Keeppower IMR18650 2500 mAh 30Abatteries do not have a protection board, so they require the following operating conditions:



Аккумулятор Keeppower IMR18650 2500 mAh 30А без защитыАккумулятор Keeppower IMR18650 2500 mAh 30А без защиты

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