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Battery Infinity 450mAh LiHV 1S 3.8V 85C PH2.0

Price:251 uahPrice in USD:5.99
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Infinity 450MAH 1S graphene battery with 85C current output and 3.8V high voltage. Excellent quality and high reliability.

Attention! Charge this type of battery in a special mode for LiHV batteries. Your charger must support this type of battery.



Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0Аккумулятор infinity 450mah lihv 1s 3 8v 85c ph2 0

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