If you're a fan of iFlight's popular XING series motors and want an inexpensive solution for your 3" or 4" blue-wing quadcopter, the Xing-C 1408 motors are the perfect option.
5mm aluminum shaft
Bell and base made of 7075 aircraft aluminum
Japanese NSK bearings
N52H arc magnets
Motor wires protected
Dynamically balanced from factory
RPM per volt: 3600KV
Input Voltage: 4S Lipo
Configuration: 9N12P
Thread: CW
Stator Diameter: 14mm
Stator length: 8mm
Size: 18.2 x 31.5mm
Weight: 15.9g (with cable)
1 x iFlight Xing-C 1408 3600KV
1 x nut
1 x bolt set
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