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Naked GoPro HERO 8 iFlight Case+BEC Kit

Price:1 381 uahPrice in USD:32.99


Naked GoPro Hero 8 assembly kit from iFlight. Consists of a 3D printed TPU plastic housing. The housing is durable, flexible and easy to install. The housing is designed with GoPro SuperView technology in mind so that nothing obstructs your full view when using this feature. An ND filter mount is provided that is compatible with standard ND filters for the GoPro Hero5-8.

New 5V BEC board iFlight GoPro Power, specifically designed for use with the GoPro8. With high quality build quality and additional power filtering, your Naked GoPro will record every file without freezes or hangs.

Mode button, Rec button and a signal wire that can be connected to a flight controller to remotely control recording with radio equipment. You can short the Mode pad with GND and the camera will instantly turn on when power is applied.

Note: The BEC is designed for 2-6S (7.4-26V) input voltage only!




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Reviews and discussions

  • amatii28 Апр 2022, 16:20
    Какие ND фильтра подходят для этого корпуса?

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