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iFlight RACER iX5 V2 210mm Carbon Frame

Price:1 507 uahPrice in USD:35.99
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The iFlight RACER iX5 V2 carbon frame is another version of the iX5 frame in the True-X shape with 210mm axle dimensions. The new frame has changed the struts from 35mm to 28mm, making the frame low and reducing air resistance. A side camera guard has been added, the main plate is a more robust design with fewer holes. The beam ends still have the same protrusions to protect the motors from collisions with obstacles.






iflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластинаiflight ix5-200mm v2 enhanced version of the 5 lightweight racing through the rack fpv карбоновая рама пластина

Tags: iflight

Reviews and discussions

  • mixa9 Ноя 2017, 11:01
    В цій рамці 35 чи 30 мм стійки ідуть?
  • it_was9 Ноя 2017, 11:07
    mixa, стойки 28мм
  • Юлиан Гиневский1 Авг 2018, 18:47
    Шикарная рама за 35 баксов! Трудно найти что то лучше в этой ценовой категории.

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