TheiPeaka EFM30A is a speed controller using the latest BLHeli-S (DSHOT) firmware on the BB21 MCU, offering some of the best performance for multirotor systems on the market. The regulators also feature high-power QFN5x6 transistors instead of small QFN 3x3 transistors, which gives higher current output at low resistance, improved cooling and resistance to overheating.
Although the ESC is rated for 30 amps, the current output can actually reach a maximum of 40A specifically for 6S assemblies.
Silicone signal wires!
The size and weight is as good as other 6S 30A speed controllers on the market.
BLHeli_S firmware
DShot (Digital Shot) is a new communication protocol between the flight controller (FC) and ESC, replacing Oneshot and Multishot.
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