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Speed controllers iFlight iPeaka 35A 2-6S BLHeli_32 / DShot 1200

Price:2 510 uahPrice in USD:59.96
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The iFlight iPeaka 35A speed controllers come with BLHeli_32 firmware, the latest update of the most popular BLHeli firmware for ESCs. BLHeli_32 offers a number of new features such as voltage and current limiting, new DShot functions, telemetry, smoother motor operation, etc.
The regulators feature a built-in current sensor and RGB LED, which is programmable via BLHeli_32 Suite.




Регуляторы скорости iFlight iPeaka 35A 2-6S BLHeli-S 32bits Dshot1200 esc регуляторРегуляторы скорости iFlight iPeaka 35A 2-6S BLHeli-S 32bits Dshot1200 esc регуляторРегуляторы скорости iFlight iPeaka 35A 2-6S BLHeli-S 32bits Dshot1200 esc регуляторРегуляторы скорости iflight ipeaka 35a 2-6s blheli-s 32bits dshot1200 esc регуляторРегуляторы скорости iflight ipeaka 35a 2-6s blheli-s 32bits dshot1200 esc регулятор

Tags: iflight

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