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Hubsan X4 H107 mini quadcopter

Price:1 579 uahPrice in USD:37.7141.90
SKU 10070
Archival goods

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TheHubsan X4 H107 is one of the most popular mini quadcopters ready to fly (RTF) right out of the box. Even though it is lightweight and small in size, the quadcopter can fly both outdoors and indoors. Included is a 4-channel 2.4GHz remote control with LCD display and trimmer buttons on all sticks, which provides a range of about 50 meters. The battery is charged via a regular USB cable.

The quadrocopter has two flight modes: normal, for calm flights with stabilization and expert mode, in which the copter becomes more sharp and can do various tricks and flips (flips around its axis).

Features Hubsan X4 H107

Accessories Hubsan X4 H107



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Tags: hubsan

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