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Propellers HQProp 5137 (R37) 3 blades 2CW/2CCW

Price:126 uahPrice in USD:2.99
Brand: HQPropSKU 17318
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TheHQProp 5137 (R37 ) is the ideal choice for professional racers, and is known for its strength and durability thanks to its polycarbonate construction. This propeller is designed to withstand bumps and drops, allowing you to confidently tackle high-speed maneuvers and obstacle courses. Perfect for your high-speed FPV racing drone.


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Пропелери HQProp 5137  R37  3 лопат  2CW 2CCWПропелери HQProp 5137  R37  3 лопат  2CW 2CCW

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