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Heatsink Plaster Stars-992 heat conductive adhesive

Price:78 uahPrice in USD:1.85
SKU 11846
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Heatsink Plaster Stars-992 is designed to increase the efficiency of heat dissipation of elements on which the radiator is installed, as well as to fill the gap between the heat source and the receiver at the same time with the fixation of components. It has good thermal conductivity, elasticity, adhesion to aluminum and other materials.

Thermal adhesive does not leak current, can act as an insulator. Binding putty can prevent overheating and prolong the life of LEDs. Another advantage of this adhesive is its strength when fully dried, thus ensuring the reliability of the mounted component on the heat sink.


Reviews and discussions

  • rechkin_a18 Авг 2021, 10:20
    Оказался засохшим :(
    Если тюбик твердый - не отправляйте, он засох.
  • flewerty18 Авг 2021, 11:14
    rechkin_a, Напишите в поддержку, заменим.

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