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GNB 1500mAh 4S 14.8V 120C 120C LiPo Battery

Price:1 339 uahPrice in USD:31.99
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GNB 1500mAh 4S 14.8V ultra powerful battery with unprecedented 120C discharge current and detachable balancing cable. The balancing cable can be easily detached from the battery to minimize weight and completely eliminate the possibility of it getting twisted during flight.



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Аккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium batteryАккумулятор GNB 1500mAh 4S 14 8V 120C high-energy new products through the machine detachable balance line uav lithium battery

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