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Propellers Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 blades 2CCW/2CW

Price:155 uah with VATPrice in USD:3.69
Brand: GemfanSKU 18016
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This item is available for order by legal entities for paying non-cash and includes VAT.


TheGemfan Hurricane 7050 PC is a 7-inch 3-blade propeller with high pitch, high efficiency, and stiffness that can confidently withstand high flight speeds.


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Пропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CWПропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CWПропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CWПропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CWПропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CWПропелери Gemfan Hurricane 7050 PC 3 лопат  2CCW 2CW

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