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Propellers Gemfan Cinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 7535 3 blades. 2 pairs CW/4CCW

Price:335 uahPrice in USD:7.99
Brand: GemfanSKU 17230
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The new Gemfan Cinelifter 7535 3-blade fiberglass nylon propellers are 7.5 inches in diameter and 3.5 inches in pitch. This model provides good performance and excellent control, both in FPV racing and filming.


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Пропеллеры Gemfan Cinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 7535 3 лопасти  Комплект 4CW 4CCWПропеллеры Gemfan Cinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 7535 3 лопасти  Комплект 4CW 4CCWПропеллеры Gemfan Cinelifter Glass Fiber Nylon 7535 3 лопасти  Комплект 4CW 4CCW

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