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Propellers Gemfan 7037 CL Cinelifter Polycarbonate 3 blades. 2 pairs CW/CCW

Price:167 uahPrice in USD:3.99
Brand: GemfanSKU 17228
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The propellers of the Gemfan Cinelifter 7037 are made of reinforced durable polycarbonate. They have a relatively low pitch profile, which allows the propellers to rotate smoothly and provides more responsive control over the entire throttle range. This propeller has a slightly more aggressive pitch than the CL Cinelifter 7035, which allows for a little more thrust when needed. The blade of this screw has been thickened to add more rigidity at high torque and power levels.


Recommended motors: 2808 and larger

Package contents.


Пропеллеры Gemfan 7037 CL Cinelifter  Polycarbonate 3 лопасти  2 пары CW CCWПропеллеры Gemfan 7037 CL Cinelifter  Polycarbonate 3 лопасти  2 пары CW CCWПропеллеры Gemfan 7037 CL Cinelifter  Polycarbonate 3 лопасти  2 пары CW CCW

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