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M9 Gimbal Stick for FrSky Taranis X9D on hall sensors

Price:1 173 uahPrice in USD:27.59
Brand: FrSkySKU 11236


FrSky has responded to the problems associated with the standard sticks on the Taranis X9D by developing a new M9 Gimbal stick that uses Hall effect sensors on the axes rather than variable resistors.

In the stock stick the resistive layer of the potentiometer wears off with constant use, so over time the stick loses its original control accuracy, calibration goes astray, and rattles in the near-zero zone. The new sensors have no contacting mechanical parts, which eliminates their wear compared to conventional potentiometers.

Upgrade your Taranis X9D with FrSky's high quality M9 Hall Gimbal stick, a must-have accessory to maximize comfort and responsive control!




Стики M9 Gimbal для FrSky Taranis X9DСтики M9 Gimbal для FrSky Taranis X9DСтики M9 Gimbal для FrSky Taranis X9DСтики M9 Gimbal для FrSky Taranis X9D

Tags: frsky

Reviews and discussions

  • datos13 Мар 2017, 23:14
    для Q7 они не подойдут. лучше это убрать из описания. Для Q7 будут стики M7
  • flewerty14 Мар 2017, 09:00
    datos, Спасибо, поправили.
  • amator25 Июн 2017, 18:15
    > Компания FrySky отреагировала на проблемы, связанные со стандартными стиками к Taranis X9D

    А какие были проблемы со старыми стиками? Ни разу не слышал о таких.

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