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TBS FPVCycle Minimortal T 915MHz Antenna

Price:185 uahPrice in USD:4.39
Brand: TBSSKU 15641


The TBS FPVCycle Minimortal T antenna is designed by Michael Anderson and manufactured by TBS for use with receivers on Toothpick and Tiny Whoop micro quadcopters. The antenna is compact in size and lightweight, but you should not expect full range from this antenna as it is designed for indoor and short range flying.

The antenna has a high quality construction, the active elements are made from the same thick and heavy duty wire as the full size Immortal T.

Suitable for use with the TBS Crossfire Nano Rx receiver.



Антенна tbs fpvcycle minimortal t antenna 915mhz 900Антенна tbs fpvcycle minimortal t antenna 915mhz 900

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