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TOPSKY 5.8G wrist watch for analog video signal reception

Price:1 880 uahPrice in USD:44.90
Brand: TopSkySKU 14329


TOPSKY FPV wrist watch with 2 inch LCD display and built-in 5.8G receiver that provides the ability to view analog video from the quadcopter in real time, without the need for video goggles or large monitors.

Many pilots use the FPV watch as a FPV camera image test, to change settings or focus the lens. It comes with a velcro mount so you can attach the watch to different devices, such as radio equipment.

Tune in to a friend's channel to watch the flight and share the view with others without worrying about tangled cords or transporting a fragile monitor. It is very convenient to follow the flight of other pilots during competitions.

A distinctive feature of this watch is a detachable antenna with MMCX connector (included). This allows you to easily replace the antenna in case of loss or damage, or use your own 5.8G antenna with better signal reception.

Note: a 90-degree MMCX connector is preferred on the antenna for ease of use.





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