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FPV cable for GoPro 3/4 with power. Mini USB to AV

Price:124 uahPrice in USD:2.95
SKU 10168
Archival goods

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With this cable you can organize FPV broadcasting via GoPro camera, for this you just need to connect GoPro to the video transmitter using this adapter. The cable allows you to receive live video over USB mini.

The cable is powered to charge your camera from 5 volts at the same time.



FPV кабель для GoPro 3  Mini usb в AVFPV кабель для GoPro 3  Mini usb в AVFPV кабель для GoPro 3  Mini usb в AVFPV кабель для GoPro 3  Mini usb в AV

Reviews and discussions

  • ende221 Май 2018, 16:47
    Он подходит под GoPro 4 ?
  • it_was2 Май 2018, 13:28
    ende22, Подходит

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