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F4 Omnibus NANO V3 flight controller with OSD and BEC 5V

Price:1 004 uahPrice in USD:23.99
SKU 12569
Archival goods

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Omnibus NANO flight controller on F4 processor with built-in OSD and four BEC outputs for powering electronics. Great for mini assemblies due to its compact size of 27 x 27mm, mounting holes are 20 x 20mm.




f4 omnibus nano integrated osd 5v 3a bec crossing four multi axis flight bf controller контроллер мозг омнибус бэк мини 20х20 minif4 omnibus nano integrated osd 5v 3a bec crossing four multi axis flight bf controller контроллер мозг омнибус бэк мини 20х20f4 omnibus nano integrated osd 5v 3a bec crossing four multi axis flight bf controller контроллер мозг омнибус бэк мини 20х20f4 omnibus nano integrated osd 5v 3a bec crossing four multi axis flight bf controller контроллер мозг омнибус бэк мини 20х20f4 omnibus nano integrated osd 5v 3a bec crossing four multi axis flight bf controller контроллер мозг омнибус бэк мини 20х20

Reviews and discussions

  • niccolodipaola7 Май 2018, 15:32
    could you please tell me how to connect power to this FC? I can't find any B+ B- on the drawings...Is it possible to provide energy directly from the esc through the 6 pin plug?
    thank you
  • flewerty7 Май 2018, 16:02
    niccolodipaola, You can connect the power directly from your battery to VCC and GND pins.

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