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K99 12V spot welding machine for lithium-ion batteries

Price:942 uahPrice in USD:22.50
SKU 17390
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K99 kit for spot welding of various lithium-ion batteries. It has a 99-step speed control, which makes the welding process more precise. The control board of the spot welding machine has a digital sensor with real-time temperature display, which also facilitates operation and increases accuracy. It is ideal for spot welding various battery sizes, including 14650, 17490, 18650, 21700, 26650, and 32650.


Requirements for nickel-plated plates used when working with this device:
For kit #1: the thickness of the plates should be 0.05-0.3 mm

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Апарат точкового зварювання K99 12V для л т й- онних акумулятор вАпарат точкового зварювання K99 12V для л т й- онних акумулятор вАпарат точкового зварювання K99 12V для л т й- онних акумулятор в

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