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Dino Flymod 1300 mAh 4s 14.8V 65C Lipo Battery. Dinogy

Price:930 uahPrice in USD:21.9823.14
Brand: DinogySKU 10736
Archival goods

This item is no longer supplied


Dino new LiPo batteries from FlyMod - 4S 14.8V 1300mAh 65C with high discharge current 65C. For mini quadcopters 180, 210.

Uses proprietary textolite protectionthat can extend the life of external contacts and crashes.


These batteries are created in Dinogy's manufacturing facility.

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Аккумулятор Dyno 1300 mAh 4s 14 8V 65С Lipo  FlymodАккумулятор Dyno 1300 mAh 4s 14 8V 65С Lipo  FlymodАккумулятор Dyno 1300 mAh 4s 14 8V 65С Lipo  Flymod упаковка

Tags: dinogyflymod

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