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DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion/LiFePO4 Bluetooth battery charge controller

Price:1 988 uah with VATPrice in USD:47.50
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TheDALY Smart BMS 100Balance battery controller provides reliable protection and efficient balancing for Li-ion, LiFePO4, LTO batteries with 4 to 24S cells. Continuous charge and discharge currents range from 40A to 200A, depending on the selected model. Active balancing with a current of 1.1A allows for even charge distribution between the cells, ensuring stable system operation. The device is equipped with an LED indicator to show the status of operation and supports Bluetooth for remote control. Protection modes include overheat, short circuit, overload, discharge and reverse polarity protection.



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Контролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 BluetoothКонтролер заряду акумулятора DALY Smart BMS 100Balance 40-200A 4-24S Li-ion LiFePO4 Bluetooth

Tags: storage_energy

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