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DALPROP Cyclone 7040 2 blade propellers. 2 pairs CW/CCW

Price:126 uahPrice in USD:2.99
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The smooth and efficient Dalprop Cyclone 7" 7040 twin-blade propellers provide fast response and maneuverability. With a stronger hub made from German Bayer PC material and POPO compatibility, you should expect excellent performance and durability from these propellers.




dalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллерыdalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллерыdalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллерыdalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллерыdalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллерыdalprop new cyclone 7 inch 7040 2 blade props Пропеллеры

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