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Creation Protective Case for GoPro Hero/Session action camera mounts

Price:419 uahPrice in USD:9.99
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Creation TPU plastic protective case for action cameras like GoPro Hero/Session (depending on option).

A foot is required to attach the case to the frame, which is sold separately, as there are universal feet for all frames and special feet for Creation Fury frames. Together with the foot, the angle of the case can be adjusted up to 45°.

The protective case for the GoPro Hero comes in two versions: Compact and Fullcover. The Compact version is lighter to reduce the overall weight of the quadcopter, while the Fullcover version completely covers the action camera, giving it more protection from impacts.

Also included is a protective frame made of TPU plastic to protect the lens of the action camera.

The case is 3D printed from flexible and durable TPU plastic with vibration isolation.




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Reviews and discussions

  • thecluster3 Авг 2020, 09:00
    А почему нет зеленого цвета для Hero 8?
  • it_was3 Авг 2020, 19:23
    thecluster, Если вам нужен зеленый цвет, напишите в нашу поддержку в телеграм, можем напечатать.

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