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Racing FPV quadcopter iFlight Chimera7 Pro 6S Long Range Analog BNF

Price:21 972 uahPrice in USD:525.00
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The iFlight Chimera7 Pro Analog is a super-efficient 7.5-inch long-range iFlight Chimera7 drone that can carry large batteries for long flights. Ultra rigid frame for minimal resonance and powerful XING2 2809 motors to maximize control of the 7.5-inch diameter propellers. Fly with larger batteries mounted on top or even larger batteries mounted on the bottom of the frame, we recommend 5-6S LiPo 3000mAh or higher for slow sightseeing flights or 6S 2500mAh for faster flights.

A basic list of changes from the Chimera7 to the Chimera7 Pro:




Flight Controller iFlight BLITZ F7 V1.1

iFlight BLITZ E55 4-in-1 Speed Controller

iFlight BLITZ 1.6W Video Transmitter

FPV camera iFlight RaceCam R1



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