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QAV210 carbon frame for mini quadcopter and FPV flights

Price:984 uahPrice in USD:23.50
SKU 10420
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Quality carbon fiber frame for quadcopter - QAV210. To the features of this frame can be attributed: lightweight construction, endurance to long-term operation.

The frame is well suited for beginners, as well as able to please experienced riders in terms of its maneuverability and balance.

The compact frame allows it to compete with larger quadcopters while remaining lighter and more nimble.




Карбоновая рама QAV210 для мини квадрокоптера и FPV полетовКарбоновая рама QAV210 для мини квадрокоптера и FPV полетовКарбоновая рама QAV210 V2 для мини квадрокоптера и FPV полетов  общий вид рамы

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