GEP-VX5, VX4 is a carbon fiber frame with a classic layout with battery on top and X-shaped beams for 4, 5 inch propellers. You can easily mount an action camera on the frame. It is well suited for both freestyle and competition, the 4mm thick bottom plate is able to last longer than usual, and the bright bar with 10 LEDs will make your quadcopter stand out.
Classic frame layout and X-shaped beam geometry with 90 degree separated beams relative to each other, gives good responsive control.
Quality frame made of 3K ultra lightweight and strong carbon fiber, has strong 4mm thick beams
Extended parts at the motors for fall protection
Motor axis base 215mm, for 5 inch propellers and powerful motors from 2300KV 2205-2206.
Motor axis base 180mm, for 4 inch propellers and motors from 2600KV 2204-2205 for example.
Wide range of camera angle adjustment 0-55 degrees
Good package with power wiring board (with 5V and 12V backs), integrated XT60 connector, branded Velcro for battery.
Sturdy custom anodized 35mm anodized standoffs
LED bar that supports customization via controller settings (cleanflight/betaflight)
Простая рама поучиться, потренироваться, края карбона острые наждачка в помощь, пак 4S1P (21700) легко помещается сверху (задняя часть перегружена, центр тяжести смещен), все остальное от фантазий сборщика.
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