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RCD 3115 900kv brushless motor

Price:712 uahPrice in USD:17.00
SKU 17941
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The RCD 3115 900KV brushless motor provides operation with a maximum pulling force of 3960g. It supports a voltage of 3-6S, which allows it to be used with various types of batteries. The shaft diameter is 5mm, which ensures compatibility with most propellers. The motor has a low no-load current of 2.5A at 25.2V, which increases energy efficiency. With a size and weight of 112g, it is suitable for 9-10 inches models.




Attention: When installing, too long bolts can damage the motor winding, which will damage the motor

Attention! При встановленні на занадто довгі болти можуть пошкодити обмотку двигуна, що виведе його з ладу.


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