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DYS BE1806 2300KV collectorless motors for mini copters. Golden

Price:513 uahPrice in USD:12.06
Brand: DYSSKU 10017
Archival goods

This item is no longer supplied


Dys BE1806 2300KV gold-colored Dys BE1806 2300KV collectorless motors are ideal for 250 class mini quads, well proven as affordable and powerful motors with good thrust. Can be used in camera stabilization hangers.

These motors have also been successfully tested on 4S batteries and have shown a significant thrust boost compared to 3s batteries.

Suitable propellers: 5030, 5040, 5045, 6030, 6040.



What bearings are used in Dys BE1806 motors?

These motors use two bearings measuring 2mm (Inner Diameter) x 6mm (Outer Diameter) x 3mm (Height).

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Задняя частьЧто входит в комплект к моторам dys 1806 2300KVDys BE1806 2300KV схема мотора чертежиdys 1806 2300KV test chart propelles таблица тестов на различных пропеллерахБесколлекторные моторы Dys BE1806 2300KV  тестирование тяги

Tags: dys

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