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BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity 915MHz receiver with two antennas

Price:894 uahPrice in USD:21.35
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TheBETAFPV SuperD ELRS is the first True Diversity receiver to use two antennas and TCXO (temperature-compensated quartz oscillator) technology for superior performance in extreme temperatures. The manufacturer offers 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz/868 MHz versions (see the option selection) and fully meets the reliability requirements for long-range flights, aerial photography or FPV freestyle tricks.


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To find out more information about the product, settings, and current firmware, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's official website:

Package contents

1x BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity receiver SuperD ELRS Diversity
2x BETAFPV dipole T-shaped antennas
1x Pin connector
1x 30AWG silicone wires
1x user manual

Useful links


Приемник BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity 915MHz c двумя антеннамиПриемник BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity 915MHz c двумя антеннами комплектацияПриемник BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity 915MHz c двумя антеннами весПриемник BetaFPV SuperD ELRS Diversity 915MHz c двумя антеннами

Reviews and discussions

  • santer5 Июл 2023, 15:04
    В последней версии elrs configurator нет опции для betafpv 900 rx diversity.
  • flewerty5 Июл 2023, 15:06
    santer, The 915MHz/868MHz default firmware is ELRS V3.3.0. The official version has not yet been released. It will be updated synchronously with the ELRS V3.3 version. Then you can click the latest ELRS Configurator Nightly to operate. Select the target device ''BETAFPV SuperD 900MHz RX''.

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