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BetaFPV 2.4G T-Antennas

Price:147 uahPrice in USD:3.50
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Dipole omnidirectional T-shaped antennas designed and manufactured by BetaFPV for 2.4G / 915MHz / 868MHz receivers. The RF antenna balun circuit is protected by a plastic housing and rubberized heat shrink. During production, each antenna element is tested with a frequency spectrograph to ensure that the antenna works correctly.


Which antenna should I choose? Are these antennas compatible with other receivers such as FrSky or TBS?

First of all, BetaFPV T-antennas are compatible with any receiver with a UFL/IPEX1 MHF connector. In addition to the connector, the frequency of the receiver must be considered, as a 2.4G antenna will not work with a 915MHz receiver. Externally the antennas look almost identical, but internally the balun circuitry is different, so the antennas will have completely different characteristics at the wrong frequency point.

Second, the shorter antenna is designed just right for smaller drones. If you expect broadband performance, we highly recommend the longer version.

The BetaFPV dipole T-antenna is omnidirectional. Below is a 3-D image of the antenna's radiation pattern.

Антенны t-образные betafpv 2.4g dipole antennat

What is an RF balun and why is it used in these dipole T-antennas? In order for symmetrical antennas to be fed over coaxial cable, an antenna balun is often included at the feed point. A balun is an electrical device that converts a symmetrical signal to an asymmetrical signal or feedline.

Антенны t-образные betafpv 2.4g dipole antennat

For a dipole T-antenna, the RF balun (symmetry circuitry) is in a molded case. There is a corresponding balun circuit for different antennas.

Антенны t-образные betafpv 2.4g dipole antennat


Антенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennatАнтенны t-образные betafpv 2 4g dipole antennat

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